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DAC is also funded by the FICA tax, which is the payroll tax paid by employees and employers. DAC provides financial assistance to children whose parent(s) or grandparents have died or whose parent(s) or grandparent(s) are receiving retirement or SSDI benefits. You may be entitled to DAC benefits if your parent(s) or grandparent(s) worked long enough to have earned sufficient quarters of coverage to be currently or fully insured. The number of years that your parent(s) or grandparent(s) must have worked for you to be eligible for DAC depends upon the age of your parent or grandparent when he/she died. The maximum number of years that parent had to work to be insured is 10 years to earn 40 quarters of coverage.

If you are a child, or, in some cases, an adopted child, a stepchild, grandchild, or step grandchild, you may be eligible for DAC benefits on your parent’s or grandparent’s work record if:

  1. You are unmarried
  2. AND

  3. You are 18 years old or older
  4. AND

  5. You have a disability that began before you became 22 years old

Types of Medical Conditions

Other Benefits

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