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On January 14, 2022, the Social Security Administration (SSA) https://www.ssa.gov and the Association of Administrative Law Judges reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). According to NOSSCR, “ALJs covered by the union can volunteer to hold in-person hearings beginning on May 4, 2022; all ALJs, except those with medical exemptions, will be required to do so beginning on June 3, 2022. At times when they are not scheduled for in-person hearings, ALJs will be able to choose whether they work in their offices or telework.” https://nosscr.org/positive-improvements-ahead-for-social-security-disability-claimants

Everyone who enters the hearing office must complete a Covid screening questionnaire and a mask. The hearing notice will have a link to the questionnaire on the hearing notice.
Any claimant without a mask will be provided one by SSA. https:www.ssa.gov/appeals/ho_locator.html

According to the MOU says “only ALJs, claimants, parents of child claimants, and representatives will be allowed in the hearing room.” There will be “plexiglass barriers between the ALJ and others in the room, enhanced cleaning protocols, HEPA filtration, and other safety measures.” ALJs will be provided with face masks but are not required to wear them.

In-person hearings will be scheduled at least 75 days in advance unless both the ALJ AND the claimant consent to less notice. Anyone already scheduled for a phone hearing or video hearing, can ask for an in-person hearing the same day but “will require the ALJ’s written approval.”

Our social security disability law firm can assist you or your child with filing a SSI or SSDI application, request for reconsideration, request for hearing, request for review before the Appeals Council or a US District Court case. Please visit our website at https:www.kathleenflynnlaw.com/we-care
or call our disability lawyers and staff at 404-479-4431 to learn how you can receive SSI, SSDI (DIB) and veteran’s benefits. #veteransserviceconnectedbenefits. #socialsecuritydisability #SSI #SSDI #childSSI #covidtestkits #oho #ssa #AdministrativeLawJudge #ssiattorney #ssdiattorney #ssilawyer #ssdiattorney #inpersonhearing #disabilityhearing #COVID19 #covid #requestforhearing #officeofhearingsoperations

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