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Social Security Administration Field Offices open April 7!

So happy to hear that Social Security Administration District Offices, ie Field Offices are reopening this Thursday, April 7th! The Social Security Administration has tried to merge 3 phone systems from Field Offices, Office of Hearings and Operations and…

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Social Security Disability Hearings: from Phone to Video

At the end of March 2020 due to Covid-19, the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) Office of Hearings and Operations (OHO) moved from in person hearings to telephone hearings at the Atlanta downtown OHO, Covington OHO, Alpharetta OHO, Savannah OHO, Macon…

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Social Security’s 80th Anniversary

Marking a Social Security Milestone August 14, 2015 is the 80th anniversary of Social Security. Few Americans working today can remember a time when Social Security wasn’t part of the social fabric of America. Since the Social Security retirement program…

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Importance of Medical Records

Your medical records are the most important evidence considered by the Social Security Administration.(SSA) in evaluating your social security disability case. In order to be found disabled, you must have a “severe medically determinable impairment (s)”, ie mental or physical…

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